Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dreaming of.. morning sickness? Really?

Last night I was in bed at 10:00 p.m. and slept blissfully until 6:30 this morning. Due to some intermittent nausea and gagging, I'm reliving my college dorm days and sleeping with a bucket next to the bed just in case.

Would you believe that last night, during my dreams of time travelling (which reminded me that there are some things in my past I would like to not revisit, thank you very much) I dreamed of morning sickness. I distinctly remember dreaming I was hovering over the mesh garbage can I had in college and getting sick. Side note: never buy a mesh garbage can for your child when they are in college. Not a good idea!

Has anyone else had really strange pregnancy related dreams yet?


  1. That is to funny that you wrote this on your blog and I did on the community board. I had such a vivid dream last night too. My dream was strange. It was like DH and I were living at my grandparents house that where they no longer lived and 3 people were breaking in. DH was sleeping so, I was like I have to do something to protect the family lol. So I grabbed his shoes and walked down the stairs and saw the man and started screaming at him in my dream. I was talking in my sleep that my husband woke me up and was like "babe are you ok" lol I was like omg I had this crazy dream, he was like yah I heard you! Very odd! But I was just looking up pregnancy dreams and it says they are very common because it is a way for you to change into a mommy! So, I guess my dream was preparing me to sleepless nights of being a mommy and protecting them!!! :)

  2. I had a very vivid dream last night that I miscarried. I've never had one before, and I think my brain really ran with a worse case scenario. I was a bit traumatized when I woke up this morning. I'm still picturing it now, and it's disturbing =(

  3. Is anyone having spasms in their belly while sleeping? I toss and turn all night long and dream about my belly, but it feels like spasms..

  4. I've had some really strange pregnancy caused dreams, but not ones relating to pregnancy. I've had 3 pretty strange ones so far that I can remember. In 2 of them, I upset one sister and then another. The other one was a very strange and frustrating work dream. Makes you feel all weird when you wake up!
